Fee Type
Frequency / Remark
Application Fees
Platform verification fee charged each time an application to “Get Funds” is made.
Charged each time an application for funding is made to ensure that the issuer is serious in the application.
Platform Origination Fees
(Effective 1 November 2023)
• 3 – 12 months funding = 1.5%
• 13 – 24 months funding = 3.0%
• 25 – 36 months = 4.5%
Fees charged by the platform to issuers upon successful funding.
Charged only if funding is successful and leads to disbursement. Deducted upfront from amount to be disbursed. Amount is determined by the financing tenure applied and approved. For example, if the funding tenure is 6 months, the origination fees will be 1.5%. If the funding tenure is 15 months, the origination fees will be 3.0%.
Late Payment Fee
(Effective 1 July 2024)
For Conventional Notes
**2% of missed instalment; min RM100.00, max RM250.00
**For bullet payments, additional interest or profit rate (at prevailing rates) will be continuously charged on a daily basis until full settlement.
Fee charged by the platform to issuers each time a monthly instalment is late.
For monthly instalment only, there will be a 7 days grace period past the due date. Amount charged will be 2% of the monthly instalment up to a max of RM250.00. For example, if the instalment amount is RM5,000, then the late payment fee or charges will be RM5,000 x 2% which equates to RM100. If instalment amount is RM20,000, then the late repayment fee or charges will be capped at RM250.
Late Payment Charges (Ta'widh and Gharamah, For Islamic Financing Product)
i. For default payment before the maturity date
Ta'widh may be imposed and shall not be more than 1% per annum on the outstanding amount and shall not be compounded. In addition, Gharamah may be imposed and the combined rate of Ta'widh and Gharamah shall not exceed 10% of the outstanding amount.
ii. For default payment after the maturity date
Ta`widh may be imposed and shall not be more than 1% per annum on the outstanding balance (outstanding principal and accrued profit). In addition, Gharamah may be imposed and the combined rate of Ta`widh and Gharamah shall not exceed 10% of the outstanding amount.
Late payment charge by the platform to issuers each time a monthly payment is late.
For monthly payments only, there will be a 7 day grace period past the due date. If a payment is made after the grace period, the late payment charge is calculated from T+1. For example, if the payment amount is RM5,000 and only paid on day 9 past due, then the late payment charge will be RM5,000 x 1% / 365 * 9 which equates to RM1.23
Ta`widh refers to the compensation on the actual loss while Gharamah refers to the penalty imposed as prevention for late payment by the debtor. The Ta`widh is retained by Fundaztic as per the Funding Condition in view of the recovery efforts performed while Gharamah shall be channelled to charity as guided by the Shariah Adviser.
Request for Financial Correspondences
RM20 per document type
Fee charged by the platform to issuers for each document requested.
Financial Correspondences include but is not limited to:
• Settlement Letters: These letters are used to inform a party about the completion or resolution of a financial transaction or settlement. This could include the finalization of payments, closure of an account, or the resolution of a debt.
• Update of Account Letters: These letters are used to communicate changes or updates to an individual's or entity's financial account. This may include changes in personal information, account details, or any other pertinent information related to the account.
• Account Statement: Statement offering a summary of account activity on the platform, including deposits, withdrawals, investments, and repayments (applicable to both issuers and investors).
Stamp Duty
(Effective 1st Jan 2022 until 31st Dec 2026)
0% of funding amount
Duty payable under the law
Charged only if funding is successful and leads to disbursement. Deducted upfront from amount to be disbursed. Amount is determined by the financing amount actually raised. For example, if the funding amount hosted is RM100,000 but amount raised is only RM91,000. The duty payable would be RM91,000 x 0% which equates to RM0.
Other bank transaction charges
RM0.10 – RM1.00
Transaction charges (such as IBG, FPX) if any as charged by the banks
Charged as and when disbursement occurs or when there is request for withdrawal from Trust account being made.